William F. Smyth

Originally coming from a mathematics and technology background, William has been involved in the media business since 2010.

His engineering and technical knowledge helped him migrate from the telecommunications industry to online editing and software development.

As founder of The Munich Eye, he has spent the last few years working on technologies in the online and print news business.

William hails originally from Ireland, but currently resides in Munich.

Role: Publisher, News
Email: Please use the contact form to contact William F. Smyth.

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EU faces uncertainty as Brexit and pandemic hit hard

As 2020 draws to a close, the EU unknowingly teeters on the brink. After a year of disastrous political posturing and...

Mainstream Media and the Shameless Manipulation of Women

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Germany Seeks Software Engineers

The German Government has published a list of job vacancies aimed at non-EU citizens. Working in Europe is the dream of...

Who Needs Engineers? Germany Does!

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Munich Jobs - a recruitment agency for engineers

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Germany Looks to the East

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The Growth of Website Software Engineering: Node.js, AngularJS and Ionic3

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Merkel on top

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