Germany Plans New Agreements with Six Countries to Address Labor Shortage

Thu 17th Aug, 2023

In response to the ongoing nationwide labor shortage and the need to tackle illegal immigration, the German government has recently revealed its intentions to establish migration agreements with six additional countries. These agreements are aimed at facilitating legal migration for the purpose of addressing the workforce deficit and reducing unauthorized immigration.

The German government is currently engaged in negotiations or discussions with six nations, including Georgia, Moldova, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kenya, and Morocco. The primary objective of these discussions is to secure formal migration agreements that would offer legal pathways for individuals from these countries to seek employment in Germany.

This move comes alongside Germany's upcoming immigration laws, which involve the adoption of a points-based immigration system. This system is designed to streamline the entry process for non-EU nationals seeking long-term employment opportunities within the country. The combination of these agreements and the new immigration laws is expected to alleviate the strain caused by the prevailing labor shortage in Germany.

Andrea Nahles, Director of the Federal Employment Agency, has emphasized the necessity of immigration to address the labor shortage, citing demographic factors and the need for both skilled workers and laborers.

Economist Monika Schnitzer has also highlighted the demographic challenges faced by Germany, including a decreasing birth rate and an aging population. To meet the staffing requirements of public services and businesses, Schnitzer suggests that the country should aim to welcome approximately 1.5 million new migrants annually.

Of particular significance are the negotiations with Georgia and Moldova, both of which are EU member contenders. Joachim Stamp, Minister for Migration Agreements from the FDP party, has stated that these two countries are a priority due to their potential for immediate impact on reducing irregular migration. He also noted that a substantial proportion of rejected asylum applications in Germany originate from these nations.

Stamp further explained that by establishing legal avenues for migration from Georgia and Moldova, the government aims to reduce the burden on local authorities and courts, which currently handle cases of illegal immigration.

In summary, Germany's plans to initiate migration agreements with these six countries signal a proactive approach to address labor shortages and curb unauthorized immigration. These efforts, in conjunction with forthcoming immigration laws, are anticipated to contribute to a more stable and regulated labor force within the country.

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