Icelandic Seasons limited edition photobook available

style="float: right; margin-bottom: 10px; font-weight: 600;"Mon 7th Dec, 2015

The master photographer Martin Schulz is a true friend of Iceland. He has visited the country 15 times and he has photographed Icelandic nature and landscapes in different seasons. His photographs of Iceland have been featured many times in the Icelandic media. A selection of Schulz's pictures is being published in a limited edition high quality photo book called "Icelandic Seasons" and available for order on the crowdfunding site Karolina Fund.

"Right from my first trip I was under the spell of this island. I have never experienced so many different landscapes in such a small space. Fire and ice among stinted beauty, endless range, rugged tracks and lovely valleys. Iceland offers all of this. After a tour around the island I came back several times to explore the more hidden parts of Iceland, far off the beaten tourist tracks from the shore up into the highland interior," comments Martin Schulz the author of the text and photographs in the books.

"Icelandic Seasons" will feature numerous Icelandic gems of nature such as Öxarárfoss waterfall at Þingvellir, Brúarfoss waterfall and the eruptions in Holuhraun and Eyjafjallajökull. The book will have photographs from the Snæfellsnes peninsula including Búðir, Arnarstapi and the mountains Stapafell and Kirkjufell. The book features the lava formations Gatklettur, Lóndrangar and of course the magical Snæfellsjökull glacier itself. For those who are keen on the Icelandic highlands, it will contain pictures from the highland area around Landmannalaugar and Kerlingarfjöll mountains. Martin has ventured to the the South East of Iceland and in the book there will be pictures from the magical area of Vestrahorn and Jökulsárlón glacial lagoon with its small neighbour Fjallsárlón. The black lava beaches of Breiðamerkursandur, the Skaftafell National Park, the lava field Eldhraun, the area around Leirhnjúkur, the waterfalls Goðafoss, Aldeyjarfoss and Hrafnabjargafoss waterfalls will also be shown in their full glory. Finally, the book will feature the hidden waterfall Gljúfrabúi, Dimmuborgir and the impressive gorge of Fjaðrárgljúfur.

The book contains a foreword by Martin Schulz and his commentary on the pictures. The book will be in three languages: English, German and Icelandic.

The publication is a joint crowdfunding project between Martin, Jón Heiðar Þorsteinsson, the editor of "Stuck in Iceland" Travel Magazine and Aðalheiður Ormarsdóttir, a veteran designer. The limited edition photo book is available on the crowdfunding site Karolina Fund and will be delivered to those who pledge their support for the project and it reaches its goal of EUR15K

EUR65 pledge gives you a copy of the book
EUR79 pledge gives you a copy of the book and access to background images for your computer or smart phone
EUR400 pledge gives you a copy of the book, a special recognition in the book, access to background images for your computer or smart phone and you also receive a framed picture from the book

The deadline for the project is 7th of December 2015.

"Martin has this unique perspective of my home country that I find unmatched. I have run and edited the online travel magazine Stuck in Iceland for over three years now and seen a lot of high quality photography from Iceland from people all over the world but Martin´s persistence in photographing both iconic and lesser known Icelandic locations in different seasons is only matched by his artistry and photographic skill. Since I first saw his photos I have made it my mission to have them published in a high quality photo book. I look forward to realize that vision with the help of people from around the world," comments Jón Heiðar Þorsteinsson, the editor of the book.

"Icelandic Seasons has all the key ingredients for something beautiful: fantastic photographs and a clear vision of what the finished product will look like. We will create something beautiful," says Adalheiður Ormarsdóttir designer.

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